Northumberland remembers victims of the Holocaust

County HallCounty Hall
County Hall
Victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides will be remembered next week.

Northumberland County Council is holding an event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on Wednesday, January 27, in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Morpeth, starting at 6:30pm.

The ceremony will be introduced by the Northumberland young people’s group, Voices Making Choices, followed by contributions by school groups and the lighting of the Holocaust memorial candle.

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The theme for this year’s national day of remembrance is Don’t Stand By, to serve as a reminder that the Holocaust and subsequent genocides were allowed to develop as a result of bystanders turning a blind eye.

County councillor Bernard Pidcock MBE said: "It is of the utmost importance that we remember these shocking moments in history where far too many lives were lost because of unjust hatred and persecution. If we continue to remember, then there is hope that we can learn from it so that it never happens again.

"Since the Holocaust there have been subsequent genocides worldwide and this can only echo the fact that more needs to be done to raise awareness of how to recognise prejudice and how to stop it.

"Unfortunately, in this day and age, remembrance events like this are more poignant than ever."

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Following the event, refreshments will be served at 7:30pm in the County Hall canteen.

Admission is free and will be by ticket only as places are limited.

To book,contact Jacqueline Coxon on 01670 624048 or by emailing [email protected] Attendees will be given a ticket number when booking which they will need to quote when arriving at the ceremony.