Supermarkets should do more to reduce plastic waste, say readers

Readers call for Supermarkets to do more to reduce single use plastic waste.Readers call for Supermarkets to do more to reduce single use plastic waste.
Readers call for Supermarkets to do more to reduce single use plastic waste.
A majority of readers think supermarkets should do more to cut down on plastic waste.

Experts believe UK supermarkets create around 800,000 tonnes of plastic every year – While plastic free shopping sounds appealing there are reason’s plastic packaging is used. But in a world that is becoming more conscious of plastic’s affect on the environment:

We asked in our recent online poll: 'Should supermarkets do more to cut down on single use plastic?'

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More than 1500 readers voted online, and 93% agreed that supermarkets should do more to reduce plastic waste, while seven per cent think enough is being done already.

Robin Nicholas Monckton-Milnes, said: “Yes. Producers and the supply chain should bear the cost of plastic waste, not the consumer. Prices should not be passed on either.”

Bob Jackson, said: “Stop putting fruit in plastic cases.”

Wayne Simpson, said: “Of course they should. How can anyone justify otherwise.”

Betty Henderson, said: “They should let us leave all plastic packaging at their stores. I like to buy without plastic.”

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Phil Hopper, said: “Definitely - why shrink-wrap every broccoli or cucumber?”

Colin Maddison, said: “Problem doesn’t just lie with the supermarket it’s down to the manufacturers too who over package products, and the fact that instead of plastic being recycled it’s cheaper to produce more.”

Michael Jones, said: “Start with basics. Fruit and veg in general does not require any additional plastics.”

Ronald Branley, said: “Supermarkets are doing some changes by supplying paper bags for fruit and veg but still lots more to do.”