Taxpayers should NOT cover Harry and Meghan's security bills says our poll

Harry, Meghan and Archie are off to Canada. But should they pay for their own security? Picture from PA.Harry, Meghan and Archie are off to Canada. But should they pay for their own security? Picture from PA.
Harry, Meghan and Archie are off to Canada. But should they pay for their own security? Picture from PA.
A survey carried out in Canada suggests that 77% of people there don’t think Canadian taxpayers should stump up for the security of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Harry and Meghan are to spend half of their time there. So we asked readers in our Facebook poll the same question: “Do you think taxpayers’ money should cover the costs?”

At the time of writing 700 people had voted with just 7% saying yes, 93% no. Here are some of the comments we received.

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Craig Lister said: “Thought they were independent now. Let them fund their security like the rest of us would do if we needed protection.”

Alan Knighting said: “They want to be ordinary people. They should have exactly the same security as do the rest of us. If they want they should pay for it.”

Brian Goodman said: “They are millionaires many times over, yet we still have to pay for this royal family.”

Wayne Farrar said: “Neither the Canadian government or the U.K. government should foot the bill. They can pay for their own security if they want out as they earn millions.”

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Elisha Scott thinks Canada will benefit, saying: “They won't be complaining when the country is making a ton more money in tourism though will they?”

Caz Rae thinks: “As they have chosen to live in Canada away from the umbrella and security of the Royal household, then frankly the cost should be borne by them - not by Canada, nor by the British public