Special bouquet placed in Alnwick attraction to mark Queen's birthday

The special bouquet in The Alnwick Garden.The special bouquet in The Alnwick Garden.
The special bouquet in The Alnwick Garden.
The Queen's 90th birthday is being celebrated with flowers in Alnwick.

A special bouquet, marking a decade in Her Majesty's life, has been installed at The Alnwick Garden. It is one of nine to be placed around the region.

The initiative has been organised by the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS).

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At the Garden, the bouquet is located next to The Pavilion, with the Grand Cascade in the background. The other venues in the North East to host the special floral arrangements are Durham Cathedral, Hexham Abbey, St Mary's Cathedral Newcastle, Lanercost Priory, Seaton Delavel Hall, Gibside, Preston Park and Bowes Museum.

Rita Braithwaite, who is chairman for the Northumberland and Durham area of NAFAS, said: "We have tried to pick places all around the region. We have chosen special places where people will be able to see the bouquets and enjoy them."

The initiative forms part of UK-wide celebrations today marking National Flower Arranging Day, to generate awareness of the work that flower arrangers do across the country.